Dr Emma Cavan

Emma is an Advanced Research Fellow at Imperial College London based in the Department of Life Sciences at Silwood Park. She completed her PhD in biological oceanography on plankton poo and the ocean carbon sink in 2016, from the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton. She then moved to Tasmania, Australia, to work as a post-doc at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies at the University of Tasmania. In 2019, Emma moved back to the UK where she took up her second post-doc in ecosystem modelling at Silwood Park, Imperial College London. In July 2020 Emma started her present position at Imperial, a 4-year Imperial College Research Fellowship.

Emma’s research focusses on how climate change and fishing impact the ocean carbon sink. Her focus is to work at the border of both ecology and biogeochemistry.

Key interests include:

  • How fishing disturbs food webs, lower trophic levels and the ocean carbon sink
  • Role of climate change in disrupting ocean nutrients and lower trophic levels, and how this impacts whole food webs and fishery catch potential
  • Emma has particular expertise in the Southern Ocean and Antarctica, particularly krill!

Group members

Anona Griffiths

Anona is a Research Assistant, primarily working on the WWF krill and salp project. Her role includes laboratory work on Antarctic krill at the Australian Antarctic Division and spatially calculating krill and salp carbon flux across the Southern Ocean. Anona originally joined the group as a Masters student in 2021-2022, before starting her Research Assistant role early 2023.